My Services
“Watching her advocate for my son was amazing - she kept the school staff on track and on target, made sure my son's files were complete, and quickly corrected the staff when they used outdated and offensive terminology.”
Parent Advocate
Do you suspect your child has unmet needs and is not making progress in school like their peers? Does your child receive services on an IEP, but has not made progress? Do you disagree with evaluation results, IEP goals or have questions about how your child is being supported in school? As a Parent Advocate, I can accompany you to IEP meetings, review documentation, assist you in writing your concerns to the school and guide you through the IEP process.
IEP/Evaluation Review
Are you overwhelmed with the information that the school has provided you regarding your child? Do you just need someone to read through the documentation and explain it in plain terms? I can interpret evaluation results, IEPS, progress reports and any other school communications and make it comprehensible and manageable.
Personal Development
I currently offer the following professional or personal development courses, suitable for PAC nights, professional development for staff or parent support groups:
The Anatomy of an IEP in Massachusetts
Special Education: Parent and Student Rights
Supporting your Teen with Special Needs