Why PLEP A is an Extremely Important Page

The Anatomy of an IEP: A Blog Series

PLEP A: Present Levels of Current Performance.  PLEP A is an extremely important page.   This is where all the accommodations for the student will be listed, as well as a statement of how the disability affects progress within the curriculum areas.  Strong PLEP A’s do NOT include a laundry list of every accommodation available.  This page works best when it is  tailored to the student’s needs.  It should also clearly state the disability profile in plain language.  

What is an Accommodation?  An accommodation is an action or device that allows the student to participate within the school setting.  If a student is visually impaired, they might require enlarged worksheets as an accommodation.  The student would be completing the same worksheet as a peer, however their font would be larger in size.  The assignment would remain the same, the way they received the assignment would be different.  Accommodations can vary greatly from student to student.  A frustrating pattern that I have seen in many IEPS is an exhaustive list of preferred teaching practices listed instead of the crucial accommodations the student actually needs.  I don't think this method benefits the educator or the student.  

Below the accommodations section is the modification section.  Not every student on an IEP receives a modified curriculum.  It depends on the student and their disability.  If content is checked off, it means that the student will receive a modified content different from that of their peers.  It may be simplified, shortened or changed in some way that is required for the student to make academic progress.  

If methodology is checked off it means that the student requires a different means of receiving the instruction, it could be that the student will need to attend small group instruction or a related service in a location separate from the general classroom. 

If Performance Criteria is checked off, it means that the student will be evaluated in a different way than that of their peers.  When modified curriculum is checked off, performance criteria should usually be checked off too.   


Understanding IEP 1, the first real page of an IEP